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Beginner Classes


6-11 years -- 30 min

An 8-10 part class that slowly teaches karate movements, mobility drills, exercises, and stretches. This class breaks down all the important aspects that will make them ready for white belt by the end of the session. A major part of this class is for the student to understand the balance between fun and discipline.

White Belts

6-7yrs -- 40 min

This class is for students who have completed the Beginner Class and are ready to begin their journey up the belt-rank system to black belt. Students will learn all techniques for white belt and earn all four stripes to be able to test for their next belt (yellow belt). This includes blocks, kicks, one-steps, and forms. About half of the class will include mobility exercises and fun karate games/drills.

*Uniform and belt required ($25)

General Classes


7-12yrs -- 60 min

This class is for students who have completed at least one session of the Returning White Belts course, or have previous Taekwondo or Karate experience. Students will learn all necessary techniques according to their belt rank, and prepare to test for their next belt. Sparring will be added for gold belts and higher. The class will also focus on understanding the core principles of American States Karate, the meanings of each belt color, and what each form is named after. In order to test, students must be proficient in their individual blocks, kicks, one-steps, and form – as well as the things they need to memorize. Every week will include a karate drill or game for fun mobility training.


13yrs+ -- 70 min

This class is for students who have outgrown the Youth Class, or are starting out at 13 years and older – with or without previous martial arts training. Students will learn all necessary techniques according to their belt rank, and prepare to test for their next belt. The class will also focus on understanding the core principles of American States Karate, the meanings of each belt color, and what each form is named after. Every week will include sparring drills and/or practicing kicks and strikes on bags.

Black Belt Club

Green Belts - Brown Belts

This class is designed for students who have achieved the rank of Green Belt or higher and wish to deepen their understanding of techniques and their practical applications in self-defense. The curriculum will include enhanced bag work, light Aikido techniques, and a focus on refining movements to improve precision, power, and effectiveness.

*Uniform and belt required ($25)

**Sparring gear recommended for White & Yellow Belts -- required by Gold Belt

*Uniform and belt required ($25)

**Sparring gear required at Gold Belt

karate bg4.avif


Byron & Stewartville, MN

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